Daestro empowers you to seamlessly run your compute workloads across a multitude of cloud providers, including Vultr, DigitalOcean, Linode, AWS, OVHCloud, Azure, and GCP, as well as your own self-hosted compute infrastructure. This cloud-agnostic platform allows you to execute batch jobs using your existing cloud accounts, giving you complete control and flexibility.
- Secure API Integration: Provide your API tokens for your chosen providers, which are securely encrypted with AES 256 for storage.
- Flexible Job Definitions: Create Job Definitions using Docker images, enabling you to run virtually any type of job.
- Customizable Job Parameters: Define commands, command parameters, and environment variables for precise job control.
- Programmatic Job Submission: Submit jobs programmatically via API for automation and integration.
- Real-time Monitoring: View real-time job logs and track comprehensive compute metrics (CPU and memory utilization).
- Log Export: Export container logs for analysis and debugging.
- Job Scheduling: Schedule jobs for later execution.
- Cron Jobs: Set up cron jobs for recurring tasks.